I'm risking the wrath of the "New Equipment" curse.
I'm probably doubling my chances for months of clouds and rain by writing this blog post about new equipment.
New equipment arrived in the mail today.
As I always do with new equipment, I put it on the scope and played with it until I was comfortable that I knew how to use it.
In this case, I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough downward focuser travel for the newly arrived imager. Not enough travel would mean that I wouldn't be able to achieve focus with the new imager without changing the length of the focuser tube, or shortening the length of the scope's truss tubes, or perhaps even moving the primary mirror upwards a smidge.
So, I staged the equipment to see if I had a problem. I opened the front door and pointed the scope at the chimney of a house some distance away.
Through the storm door, peering at the chimney to the left |
Visible in this photo is the new imager attached to the focus tube. The imager has a USB3 link to the laptop and SharpCap is showing frames from the imager.
The verdict? The focuser has plenty of travel for the new imager.
Here is a frame capture of the chimney.